Thursday, June 30, 2011

You Were My Everything

What do you do when you lose the one person you thought you'd always keep?

How do you handle the hurt and heart break?
Who will replace them when they were your everything?
When will they show you how much you mean to them?
Where does their heart lie?
Why have they gone never to return again?
You were my love, my life, my world...
I was ready to be your everything the way you were mine,
To show you distance couldn't ruin everything if you were really in love.
I wanted to marry you,
To be with you.
I wanted to love you,
Raise a family with you.
But I guess the love I had for you just wasn't enough for you.
Gone forever,
I ask for nothing,
It'd be foolish to even try,
Except that you keep the shattered remains of what my heart could have been.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

When Does It End?

When does the nightmare end?
When do bad things stop happening to good people?
When do we stop taking two steps forward to get knocked six feet back?
When do we finally get a fucking break?
We can't keep doing this forever.
We can't keep pushing our limits,
To see just how far you can bend us.
One day we will break and what happens then?
We are only so strong.
We aren't super heroes.
We don't have super powers.
We have strong hearts and strong will.
But we can only do so much.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Losing Him

Haven't even packed.

Soon to leave.
Excited but scared.
What happens to him when she leaves?
She feels she's lost him.
Was he ever hers to lose?
Is he hers?
Will he ever be truly hers?
When will she see him again?
In a week?
In six months?
Three years?
Ever again?
In love.
Terrified to lose what may never have been hers to lose.
He is her heart.
Therefore he is her home.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Jailbird Sings


What is this word of which you speak?

Something unobtainable behind these bars.

Chains and stripes being the only life a jailbird knows.

How the bird wishes to break the chains.

Prove its innocence.

Breath in the fresh air.

Spread its wings and fly.

Even if it is for one day.

The bird would take it gladly.

To know something more could exist.

That would be what keep the jailbird going.

The hope to one day obtain that which is far from its reaches.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Does it Ever End?

Why is doing what is right for you always the hardest?
Why can't people leave you be?
Why can't life be simple?
I'm trying my best.
I'm trying to make it through this.
Trying to survive.
But how do you do it?
How can you survive this when everything is working against you?
How do you get up and keep fighting when they knock you down and hold you there?
As soon as you tell them the truth,
As soon as you speak up,
They shoot you down.
Rip your head off and feed it to the wolves.
You fall and hit rock bottom and keep falling.
They say that once you hit bottom the only way to go is up.
That's not true.
Further and further you fall.
You take two steps forward to get knocked five steps back.
It never ends.
Never gets better.
How do you live when everyone is bent on your demise?