Look me in the eye and tell me you don't care.
That you are done.
You give up.
You can't can you?
No, of course you can't.
You still love me.
Admit it.
You know you do.
Well then I'll be the man.
I still love you.
I want to work this out.
Please just give it a chance.
You know you love me too.
That's why you know you can't say it.
Can't tell me.
So what?
What now?
Are you going to help me work this out?
Or shut me out?
I won't give up on you as long as I know...
You still love me.
I'll still be here.
Look me in the eye and tell me you don't love me.
Mean it and I will go away forever.
You can't do it can you?
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