I may be monstrous.
You're demonic.
I may be evil incarnate.
But baby that makes you prime evil.
I may not be perfect.
Neither are you.
I may be a rebel.
But you're a law breaker.
I am not the horror story you make me out to be.
The reality is that you are the real horror story.
You are a true serial killer compared to my cheese slasher film status.
The real difference is that I'm made up evil people pay to see.
You are the news paper heading everyone prays never to be.
You thought you corrupt me.
I'm compelling.
You thought you won the war.
When really the war was already won.
You despise my will and for that you tried to make me a monster.
When really the true monster was always you.
See that I was only your shadow.
Never as dangerous as the real thing.
The student will yet to be the teacher.
I am monstrous compared to human.
Compared to you I am a pixie among demons.